kettle image

Calling the Kettle Black

I named this blog page "Calling the Kettle Black" because that was my first thought when I sat down to write. The image denotes a black kettle with a red interior. I found that cliche fitting. But since the tea kettle is in the image and would obviously be utilized to dispense hot tea, let's discuss food safety a little bit.

Food pieces always require glaze to make them food worthy but you cannot apply just any glaze. Glazes often contain toxins that are not to be used on any food product. That's why I am leary about using any food product "Made in China." Let's face it. Our world is no longer a safe place. America has many enemies and many within. With this, I want to know for absolute fact that my food pieces are safe for my family to use.

Ceramic glazes are labeled either food safe or not but ceramic pieces are not labeled. The fact that the tea pot is internally red is of concern to me because reds are usually not food safe. Red is beautiful on websites and most non-food pieces. Otherwise, red is a warning color in nature and I apply it to ceramics. Thus, I would not use that tea pot for anything other than a planter or catch all unless I knew exactly what glaze was used first.

Note to the wise: Clear glaze is always food safe. With this, apply a rule of thumb to always use clear glaze on any piece that is to be utilized for food - at least on the areas where food will be touching the piece. There are other trusted glazes but be absolutely certain before you use glaze on an item that will be used to serve food. We can't have our friends and family suffering from lead poisoning, now, can we?

To add color to a food piece, use underglaze colors. These are more often referred to as undercoats and are usually applied to greenware but you can apply them to bisque. Shops that require you to apply undercoat to greenare are refusing the third firing that would be required to set the underglaze colors. This is usually enforced at shops where firings are included in your annual membership fee. But if you ask nicely, you might get that third firing for free.

Frankly, I don't like painting on greenware. Greenware is too fraglile to work and I'm a glumsy bum. I require the third firing and since I am a member of a shop that refuses the third firing, I bought a kiln to fire all I want and now you can, too!

Always be extremely cautious with food pieces because your life very literally depends on it.

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