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Life is a Garden - Plant Some Seeds

The headline is a little cliche but it stands true in all avenues of life. You can't win a war without a fight and you can't turn a profit if you don't work at it. You know that you cannot tear down a mountain in day so take the time every day to plug at your goals. Every little thing you do takes you one step closer to meeting your goals. Write them down, make a plan, and follow the plan. It's that simple.

Now, I am the first to complain about how tired I am every day after work. Too tired to cook. Too tired to ready for the morrow. Too tired to work on my goals. All I want to do is sleep and sleep I do - for a couple of hours. Then I'm back up plugging at my goals. There's dinner to prep for tomorrow. If I don't cook, we don't eat because I sleep through dinner every day and nobody else in the house is able. Regardless of my job(s), I'm still tagged with "Your It!" without recourse or delegation. If I don't cook, nobody eats, or they wind up spending more on fast food that's not good for them in the first place. So, I get up and cook and pack it in the fridge for the next day that will allow me to cop my power nap before pulling nights.

Crochet Flower Ball FEATURE PRODUCT:

Crochet Flower Ball: This is about as unique as it gets? Have you ever seen a crocheted decorator ball before in your life? No? Well, of course you haven't because I created the first. And this is a sample on which to feast your eyes. But if you want one for yourself, it's going to cost you! Not much, though, considering the hugh amount of work that goes into one of these little treasures. About 6.5" in diameter, it can be yours for only $29.95. Call with your order today.

That power nap is not an option. It's mandatory. Otherwise, I'm down for the count until another day rears its happy-go-lucky sunshine or rain head with even more on my plate. Obstacles are just obstacles. We go under, around, or over them but we never let them stop us from meeting our goals. Be sure to plant a small seed every day by plugging at your goals no matter how small the task. Major goals have been met in five-minute intervals.

A telephone call, a text message, an email, a postal letter, a calendar, a daily planner -- whatever it takes -- do something on your list today that will make your life a little easier tomorrow.

Get it? Got it? Good!

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