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Share Your Creative Bone

I just love the little girl planter shown in the image above. Wish I had the mold. With over 6000 of them accessable to me, I may have it and don't know it yet. What would decoration be without ceramics - planters, vases, soup tourines, antique picture and bowl wash basins, lamps, tableware, wall hanngings, I dread the throught. ...and the holidays - Nativity sets, Christmas trees, vintage St. Nicks, angels galore, ornaments, Halloween pumpkins, Easter bunnies, Thanksgiving turkeys, horns of plenty, and custom- made gifts such as chess sets and thousands more. There's nothing like giving or getting a unique piece made special for family or friend.

For years, I've made light-up Christmas trees for my family and friends for Christmas. They all love them and somehow, it makes me feel immortal because I know that those pieces will not only be pulled out every single year at Christmas time but those I love will remember me every time they pull it out of storage. My memory lives in those trees. Furthermore, the trees are heirlooms and will be handed down generation to generation for all posterity to follow. I don't know how you feel about that but for me, that's pretty darn special.

Berry Ball Tree Topper FEATURE PRODUCT:

Berry Ball Tree Topper: This festive, glittery, Christmasy Berry Ball can be used as an eye-catching tree-topper. Just insert a wooden skewer and secure it to the top of the tree with twist ties. About 8" round (large). $29.50 Call in your order today.

There's also profit in ceramics but you have to know how to do it. I teach it in my classes. In fact, I teach hobby mold pouring, greenware cleaning for kiln firing, finishing techniques, and home production for profit. I hope you are able to access a class near you. If not, keep your eyes open for my online classes. I might just make one available very soon. For now, however, this website must go up first and I thank you for your patience.

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